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Lawyers of our Law Office have won a case in the Supreme Court

Lawyers of the Rumyantsev Legal Law Office have successfully represented their client’s interests in the lawsuit on collection of receivables from the Legenda Development (developer in St. Petersburg) (as of the contract execution—OOO Sistema legal entity).

In the result of the lawsuit, the court ordered the defendant to repay more than 21 million rubles to our Office’s client. The defendant tried to appeal the court’s decision; however, the decision was upheld thanks to the carefully considered position of our Office’s lawyers.

The case is notable, due to the Supreme Court has reversed all the lower courts’ orders on the case, ordered a retrial, and drew one more time the lower courts’ attention that when some agreement indicates the debt assignment from one company to another, it may include only rights and liabilities concerning the payment separately from any customer’s rights and liabilities concerning acceptance of counter-execution on the part of the service provider.

The case may be important for the practice, since the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has one more time especially underlined the possibility of joint debt recovery from the company, which is the final service receiver, as well as from the company—technical customer of such a service, in case of the signed agreement concerning the direct payment for the service by the final service receiver. To pay attention to the court decision on this lawsuit is also important for the business practice upon multi-stage implementation of large projects, when the customer in the agreement is a company that has experience and skills in the specialized field, and the payer and receiver of the service is a company that has funds to buy the rendered service and is its final consumer.

— In November 2018, this case was included in “the Digest of Case Law of the Russian Federation Supreme Court No. 3”.

— In December 2018, this case was highly appraised by the St. Petersburg professional association and won the first place in the “Lawyer of the Season” rating in “Arbitration” nomination of Delovoy Peterburg newspaper.

— And in February 2019, the case was recognized to be the best case in the “Lawyer of the Year” rating according to Delovoy Peterburg newspaper in 2018.